Directory Improvement Initiative

We know an accurate, accessible, and easy to navigate Directory is critical for making the most of Direct Secure Messaging.  We're in the process of an  effort to improve DirectTrust's Directory. Read on to learn more, and sign up below for additional updates as they become available.

About the Directory Improvement Initiative

The DirectTrust Directory Improvement Program represents a long-term commitment to continuous improvement, validation, and verification of the quality of information maintained in its Directory. This is not a “couple-day fix”; rather, it’s a long-term and ongoing commitment to creating and maintaining a high-quality national Directory asset that helps to expand the use of Direct Secure Messaging and makes it a more valuable data transport option within the national healthcare ecosystem.

Updates and Resource

Check out our updates to learn more about the progress of the DII, as well as our resources to help you make the most of our improvements to the Directory.
